The themes for August is “FOCUS + BOUNDARIES”

Hmmm well that is interesting!  I have scheduled into my diary that every Monday is to be dedicated to study and yet I find myself doing everything but studying and I even find myself booking all my coffee dates with friends on Mondays!
Now; don’t get me wrong I love me some girl time and I love taking my Mum to the movies every Friday but when I actually sat down and worked out how many hours this took out of my working week + put a $$$ value onto it ~ let’s just say I freaked out!
No wonder I ran out of time each week just to do my basic to-do-list; let alone begin a new vision that I have quietly cultivating but never the time to bring it to life.
I made an instant decision to become more focused on what was important to my business, health + life and my boundaries needed to be addressed to see that I didn’t become distracted.

August will be fantastic but it depends on the choices you make.

If you are in your GLOW ZONE and loving it then just focus on spring cleaning + tidying up any loose ends whilst paying attention to any signposts from the Universe to guide you with your next step.

If you are STUCK, hiding your power or giving it away, doubting or eating the crumbs rather than the whole apple pie with cream; yet resisting change then you may feel agitated, angry and with only enough energy to collapse on the couch like a potatoe.
Do gee yourself up to get off the couch and move your body to encourage energy flow +  book in for an energy healing to clear the resistance.

But; if you are like me and READY to fly then re-write your to-do-list with one thing on it and give it your complete attention until it is completed, then re-write a new to-do-list + so on.   Pretty quickly who or what challenges your boundaries will present.
Just being aware of where you need to strengthen your boundaries is empowering and sometimes it will be 4 steps forward and 5 backwards but if you don’t give up you will be richly rewarded with a new lease on life…

Wherever you are at ~ own it!

Acts of Love for August:

  • Bring Yellow into your day with flowers, food, sun + crystals
  • Add sun salutes, lion, power poses + bhastrika to energize your own sun centre
  • Address any relationship issues with men, money + power (ouch!)
  • Be seen + be heard (think of the Lion roaring)
  • Protect your new relationship to power, focus + boundaries (think of mama lioness)
  • Drink Ginger Tea from freshly grated ginger to sustain energy + increase circulation
  • Book an energy healing to release blockages + awaken your power + regain focus
  • Laugh loudly HA HA HA ~ pumping the tummy energizing the solar plexus chakra
  • Reflect on the qualities of the Lioness + be her….proud, playful + powerful
  • Catch up with male friends
  • STOP giving your power + energy away ~ just don’t do it!
  • Download music with a strong drum beat (James Asher)
  • Ask what the YANG part of your personality needs this August + give it to yourself
  • If something hasn’t worked all year; ditch it + you can always rework it at a later date
  • Put a price on your procrastination (this alone shifted me into taking action)
  • Give yourself time to sleep in on the weekends or time for an afternoon siesta (think of the Lion resting in the trees)

I have also started to:

Turn my mobile phone off whilst working to avoid sending off a sneaky text or 10
Put the timer on to keep me focused when doing copy or emails
My Sunday’s are now a Social Media free zone + soon my mobile will be off too
I am now only checking SM in the AM or PM + gotta say it frees up a lot of time + energy

Finally; I have created space around me from distraction + drama which offers me a buffer zone to work out if I need or want to say YES or a NO for ….whatever!

Don’t waste the powerful energy of August, use it to increase your health, happiness + destiny….


Leave a Comment below on how you can be more focused this August!
