About Feminine Spirit

Welcome to my online world….

Feminine Spirit is based on my deep connection with ancient wisdom and traditions.
Yoga has been a part of my whole life with my Mum Bette Calman being one of Australia’s first yoga teachers…

Pre-Covid Feminine Spirit was a fusion of yoga, retreats, tours + the healing arts.
Post-Covid Feminine Spirit is a new beginning that continues to evolve as I do.

When you work with me you’ll  benefit from all that I’ve studied, experienced + lived.
I hope you take to support you on your journey of life..

I hope you take some time to see what Feminine Spirit can offer you….

Click here for a little more about me – how did I get here?
Click here for energy healing
Click here for shop
Click here for distant healings
Click here for distant readings

You may like to see Mum + I on  A Current Affair
I also have been a guest on 3AW with Dennis Walter, the Today Show and Yoga Teacher Podcast.
The Way of the Feminine ~ interview woman of the month
Light Stays Retreats + Living ~ interview
Light Stays Retreats + Living 2014 interview

yoga teachers podcast

Biz Biography

2020 Animal Communication ~ ongoing with Caroline Pope
2020 Moon Mna ~
Celtic Womens Wisdom
Celtic Reiki ~ Intro course
Shamanic Training ~ Shamanic Energy Training ~ Melbourne ongoing
Botanical Alchemy ~ Harriet Herbary ongoing
Alchemist Training ~ Harriet Herbary
2018 Herb Medicina ~ Peta Tyler Soul Connections
2016 Holistic Nutrition + Detox Coach Certification  ~ Dr Amy Bali
2016 RAW Food Chef ~ Dr Amy Bali
2013 Aromatic Kinesiology Level 1 ~ Robbie Zeck Melbourne
2012 Hawaiian Bodywork + Lomi Lomi Massage ~ Tracey Ha’a a Laka i na pali Melbourne
2011 Personal Empowerment ~ Effectiveness Training Inst Melbourne
2010 Essentials of Craniosacral Therapy ~ Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Sydney
2005 Ear Candling ~ Complete Health Melbourne
2003 Professional Investigator ~ Charles Rahim Melbourne
2003 Touch for Health 3~ Ida Lyall Melbourne
2002 Touch for Health 1 + 2~ Ida Lyall Melbourne
2002 Sekhem Level 1 + 2 ~ Ida Lyall Melbourne
2001 Magnified Healing Master ~ Barbara Crereranup Melbourne
2001 Reiki + Seichim Master ~ Lorraine Kivinen Melbourne
1999 Relaxation Massage Cert ~ National Collage of Traditional Medicine
1999 Transforming Human + Soul Counselling ~ Lucille Woods Gita Melbourne
1999 Reiki 1st + 2nd Degree ~ Lorraine Kivinen Melbourne
1996 Esoteric Philosophy + Meditation TT ~ Sivananda Yoga Melbourne
1995 Hatha Yoga Yogasanas + Pranayama TT ~ Sivananda Yoga Melbourne
1986 Hatha Yoga Principle + Relaxation TT ~ BCYC Adelaide

2 thoughts on “About Feminine Spirit

  1. Hi Susanne
    I hope you are well.
    I am attending a Meditation and Mindset workshop over the weekend in Adelaide, and your mum came to my mind from many many yrs ago, when i took her yoga classes (also used to help do her hair every week at Pendelberry’s hairdresser in Peel St in town), as I was going to ask organisers if they knew her. Then I thought I’d check in FB, and wow I was blown away. bless her shes still with us. You are soo lucky I lost my Mum 18mths ago 🙁

    Tell her congrats on her retirement, send her my love, you can say hi from me (Conny) but she most likely won’t remb me hehehe
    Thank you, this has made my day.

    Cheers Conny

    1. Hi Conny…
      So lovely to hear from you…

      The FB page you mention has nothing to do with Mum + Ive asked they remove it but they wont + I cant get FB to do anything.
      Mum passed in November 2022… She was bright as a button till the last few weeks.

      She still went to the hairdresser weekly…. whilst everyone else had to leave after their treatment – Mum got to stay + chat cos she was so much fun till the end.
      It is definately different not having a mother isnt it? I miss the every day stuff…. and the wisdom.

      Thank YOU for reaching out… its made my day.

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