This is the month to get creative in the way you do + look at EVERYTHING; expand your mind with what is possible and most of all have fun whilst you are exploring life.
Sweetheart, it’s up to you; change your mind and the way you look at things and you may be surprised at what magic unfolds! Keep doing the same things the same way and nothing will change. The secret will be to take action in a creative way.
If you have been going through some major changes in 2015 that have left you feeling like you are living at ground zero with all the fall out that comes with change then GO AWAY for a few days to clear your mind and remember to exhale!
Are you focusing on the stress + mess, chaos + drama or on the end result? Rein your mind in when it starts to tell the same old stories that drag you down. You don’t need to buy into it unless you want to! You may find yourself procrastinating – if you know you are doing it and don’t want to – then don’t!
Just do it…(thanks Nike)do one thing you have been putting off or take one step towards your goal. Trust me; it will feel fab and you will have some extra energy to play with. Keep procrastinating and your vibe will drop and you will feel very tired and lethargic.
Acts of Love for June:
- Be spontaneous + book a weekend away with your man
- Your comfort zone = BORING + STALE
- Discover new walks, cafes, dishes, music, colours or hobbies .. NEW is key!
- Communicate your microscopic truth at all times
- Don’t play the blame game or be a martyr or victim
- Do play and have fun
- Enjoy your relationship
- Spend time with your BFF
- Rug up and walk in nature
- Stay connected to your own inner knowing
- Good month to join a network group
- Seek help with a longstanding issue to lighten your load
- Have a body scrub
- Do a one day juice fast each week to lighten + brighten your entire being.
I think June is going to be creative and fun – unless of course you want it to be hard work…it’s all in your mind and how you choose to look at it…
What do you choose?