Phew you made it to May! Hasn’t it been a rollercoaster but then maybe your ready for something NEW + as groovy and mystical as that sounds there is a lot of crap that has to be released for the NEW to manifest.
Has 2015 pulled you apart and left you feeling broken, then May will provide you with just the perfect excuse to stay home + potter until everything feels like it’s been put back together in a new + improved format. Let your sacred space nurture you until you feel ready to step back out into the world again.
If things are coming together then keep doing what your doing; because it is working for you and you are ready. If doors are slamming and your on struggle street ~ then it’s not the right path for you (yet). You don’t need to know all the answers ~ just trust!
Acts of Love for May:
- Use this first week in May for some ‘down time’ to align body + soul
- Taurus is the month of beauty + the goddess so spend more time in + around beauty
- Clean up your diet and detox from what is not healthy for you
- Watch for synchronicity + notice who shows up in your life + who drops away
- Be kind to yourself
- Yoga will reset, re-align, re-balance + re-boot the NEW
- If you have reiki energy energize your water to support the changes
- Continue to spring clean your home to create space
- Resist getting bogged down in past drama
- If you are doing things the same old way – it’s time to change
If life has felt unbalanced this will be the perfect month to get to the core of where + why you fell out of balance. Write it down…. i.e. (this is my list) so you can see perhaps what you need to to be doing this month for alignment. I know it’s helped me just writing this…
1. Not enough me-time
2. Watching crap TV instead of having a bath (except for Love Child)
3. Not taking time out to continue my french studies (my absolute passion in life)
4. Saying YES when I need to say NO
5. Fighting the changes instead of embracing them
6. Dragging my heels when I need to be tip toeing thru the tulips
I feel like I am in the process of re-creating my life from the core to surface…. is that how you feel too? So don’t miss the opportunity to re-create your life with inspiration + intention.
So watchagunnado?
Original material – Hunter, Power Path, LivingNow, all my wise intuitive friends…