This week I’ve been super busy seeing small business owners which is super common at the beginning of a New Year. Why? In a physical sense they are ready for 2017 with setting their goals and envisioning their dreams and all the ducks are in line. But they are stalling instead of flying.
The one aspect that’s not taken into account when stepping into the new year is “Is your energy aligned to your physicality”? So physically your ready, your leaning forward, your stepping up, reaching out, networking and yet you seem to be repelling the very people you want to attract. This can be a physical or energetic misalignment and once balance is restored magic happens.
My clients bought in their biz cards, flyers, phones + laptops and I also cleansed their websites and social media platforms. Every product that we use holds the energy of whoever created them. So clearing old energy (yours or others) is quite freeing.
A smudge revealed energy blocks, fears, doubts, terror, self-worth issues and once cleared they received insights for a new beginning.
Physically the gals were leaning forward but energetically they were leaning back. Once the energies aligned they felt lighter as their whole being came into complete harmony.
Do you need to re-align to your biz? Book a Reiki Healing to clear and create space for the new year within YOU and your business.
Healings are available Tuesday – Saturday