Do you want to look + feel like a more vibrant version of the old you?
Unlike Dolly (je aime Dolly ) who has overindulged in a little too much ‘facial refreshment’ of recent years and now looks nothing like her beautiful self.
Go to a movie or read a mag and you see the frozen faces + that vein that runs through the centre of the forehead after too much botox and it all starts to look….. tres horrible!
I personally would never indulge in cosmetic surgery it goes against everything I believe in but damn I wish I could plump up my wrinkles…voila! But this is me and I don’t want to look younger ~ I just want to look like a more fabulous version of the 52 year old me!
I know too many women who have had facelifts + botox and yes they looked great at first but after a while they all start to look freaky and I find myself staring at their puffed up lips or tightly pulled faces. Their faces may change but energetically I could sense nothing had changed in their inner world and I believe the two are intimately linked.
Your face tells your life + love story and it should never be erased to fit in with a warped view of what women should look like (and exactly whose view is that anyway?).
I have lived a good but often hard life; got sunburnt too much, I have loved and lost,
I have 2 children on earth + two in heaven, I have drank, smoked + partied hard (in my wild youth), I wasted my youth and treasure my wise woman years.
I used to hate my wrinkles before I understood that they tell my herstory …. c’est la vie!.
It is why I am so passionate about Facial Blyss because it offers renewal without any invasive procedures or harmful side effects. If you are like me + value your health but would love to ‘freshen up’ naturally and recapture your beauty + joie de vivre you will love Facial Blyss too!.
Facial Blyss is a natural facial massage sans oil that releases stress + tension from the face, neck, shoulders + upper back.
You will look + feel:
- Toned, soft + dewy
- Fresh faced + plumper in all the right places
- Replenished + radiant
- Relaxed, calm + happy
- Beautiful on the inside + glowing on the outside
- Vibrant + lighter in body, mind + spirit
Are you ready to book your appointment now?
Infinity Natural Wellbeing, 227 Nelson Place Williamstown
$95 1hr or packages available
Click here to discover more about the packages or pay via our secure online facility.
Email: susanne@femininespirit
Phone: 93973015
Text: 0419548645
I look forward to making you look and feel beautiful….