Are you allowing things to ‘unfold’ this month or are you trying to control life, others and obsessing about every little detail? If it’s the latter then you are getting in the way of your own success and you may feel stuck, blocked, exhausted, confused, guilty, doubtful, worried, anxious and super stressed! Stop the fight within yourself and simply step to the side; take a deep breath and sigh it away……. and give yourself space to notice all the areas that have been causing you stress and notice what comes, what flows to you, what moves away from you and see where the river of life takes you!
You may be suprised to notice it flows a hell of a lot better with you out of it’s way! This week follow + trust your intuition, hunches, insights and if something feels right – then IT IS RIGHT!
Get out of your control freak head + float down into your go with the flow heart to take advantage of right timing and all those incredible moments of synchronicity that you always regale your friends + family with ~ after the fact!
When you allow + unfold ~ freedom will follow and even though the French don’t celebrate Bastille Day as we think they do (its just seen as le 14 juillet) there is still the energy of liberte, egalite + fraternite and it is asking you to claim where you already have this in your life and to strengthen where you need it so you can become the best expanded version of yourself.
Close the doors to anything that under-values YOU + open a new door that says “Go for it girl” Whatever you are experiencing at the moment is where you are meant to be …. so take ownership of your actions, thoughts, words, feelings + emotions + see how that feels + how it plays out for you.
Lastly I watched Ian Thorpe’s interview last night ~ what perfect timing with July’s energy of ‘unfolding, complete acceptance, freedom, speaking the truth, movement, power, choices + time for a new door in life to open’..
Let’s choose to be inspired by Ian + also no longer be willing to keep a secret to keep another happy, make a choice to stand up for what you believe in, to let your truth be heard + finally if your past is creating pain in your today ~ then make an appointment with a therapist to clear the hold your past has on you and you may notice that suffering + hardship may be a thing of the past. Little acts of love
- Catch up with your girlfriends on the weekend
- Reflect on the freedoms you have had in your life as a western woman
- Honour the ancestors (merci a mes ancetres ~ Estienne + Edmee Jacquinet et Etienne + Francoise Girard xxxx)
- Begin to change an addictive habit
- Watch any signs when your ego is pulling you away from what you know is right for you
- Fully experience what life is putting in front of you
- Laugh out Loud or LOL…
Be free this week ….and go for it! Quote for the week It is not about finding your voice, it is about giving yourself permission to use your voice. Chris Karr I would love to hear about how you create freedom in your life? What are the 3 things you are going to do this week to open a new door? Blessings Susanne