11 thoughts on “Welcome to Susanne Calman’s Blog!

  1. Hi Susanne. Congratulations on your wonderful new website. I look forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Oooh congratulations Susanne, your website is born and it is beautiful. I know it will be a healing retreat (in itself) for people.

    Love and many blessings to you and all those who visit

    1. Thank you Arte Ma
      if it wasnt for your healings over the last few months – this would all be still a dream.

    1. thank you Penne!!!
      You have been unbelievably supportive of me & thanks for the great advice this morning
      love SC

  3. Hi Susie,

    I’m really enjoying the 3 day yoga intensive . . I’ve been surprises as to how emotional I’ve felt today. Looking forward to tomorrow morning – Thankyou.

    1. Hi Pam
      Intensives are quite intense!
      So its just the build up of energy that has been released. Allow the emotions to be felt and expressed.
      If you have time book a massage or treatment of some sort to shift the energy completely.

  4. As with all your workshops I found it wonderful to be part of the 3 day sessions; we had time to reflect on the close of 2010 and the opportunity to create the space for good things to come in 2011.
    I gained a great deal of insight into the personal lessons I need to work on in 2011.Hopefully I can work on those on the Beauty and Soul Bali retreat.

    1. Thanks Sue
      I think you would blossom in bali in so many ways……
      It is your time to shine!!


  5. Hi Susanne,
    Thank you so much for the wonderful 3 day intensive to finish off the year. I can still feel the benefits and am working on more and doing lots of spring cleaning.
    I was very much looking forward to doing yoga with you again this year, but found you aren’t doing the weekday eves anymore. Please let me know if this changes because I live over an hour away and can’t do other times.
    Thinking about the Bali retreat though.
    Happy 2011

    1. Thank you so much Linda for your comments……
      No I have moved away from the night classes – there comes a time in ones life (generally mid-life) when there is a desire to do something different.
      So my passion has been to run retreats and focus more on my workshops & that is what I am pursuing.
      Oh think about bali……..it will be amazing and you will glow with life force by the end of a week of beautiful yoga, pampering and like minded women..

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