Let Nature be your healer… and in her you will find your true nature.
I begin with a heart + thymus healing and I hear “Receive Receive Receive”. The key theme for December is “LOVE” are you receiving enough love? You are giving but has your heart closed to receiving love? Causing you to shut down or shut others out, draining your inspiration + joie de vivre. Physically your immune system has suffered with re-occurring illness or not recovering, headaches, dullness + sore mid back. This is an issue from your teenage years that’s surfacing now for completion. As teenagers we want to blend in and as adults we want to stand out. Restore harmony by “Valuing your incredible + unique self” …
I feel such tiredness as I’m drawn back to age 15 when the pressure about your future career choices arise. Some kids know and others are still searching for their soul purpose. What did you really want to be? At 15 we are filled with raging hormones, hoping to be liked by our peers, being rebellious + craving connection with someone special. Not much has changed – but now it’s called midlife!
Write a letter from your teenage self to the adult YOU revealing your hopes & dreams etc. If she could reveal one thing to you what would it be? Any revelations for today?
Write a letter from the adult you to your teenage self – what words of wisdom would you impart on this 15yr old for their life’s journey? Can you use this wisdom today?
Palo Santo ~ to ground + clear emotional pain that has been stuck here since your first teenage heart-break. This powerful medicine restores a sense of peace + understanding.
Look at photo albums (remember them) and with wise eyes look deep into your teenage eyes + if she could speak to you now what would she say?
Play the music of your youth + enjoy! Make your favourite meal + enjoy!
Your inner teen needs to be heard… so listen, they need to be loved… so love. They crave acceptance ….so accept your uniqueness. Because YOU are a beautiful SOUL!
“I want to be loved” but this now comes from a place of joy + excitement. There is something new bubbling up. I hear the words “I am ready”.. oooh!
Heart Chakra Sound Bowl to shift shocks + blocks held in the body + aura around the heart. The age 25 shows up here.
I rub Kunzea Essential Oil over the heart defusing deep emotional pain that’s been held in + pushed down.
What did you like to do before you became so responsible + adult? Go do it…
Pop something under the Christmas Tree for the 15 year old within.
I hear the phrase “I am so ready”…. and we move on.
A long held sense of confusion surfaces. Look at your life journey and KNOW that you do not need to doubt yourself ever again.
The Oracle Card “Acceptance of Love” from Nature’s Whispers presents “you have the ability to give love freely to yourself and to others. Express more love in your life and allow yourself to feel loved. You bring a bright light + individuality into this world”
I reiki the depth of your mind + the surface of your heart and immediately I swallow my tongue. Then I move to the surface of your mind + the depths of your heart until I hear “YES I AM READY FOR SOMETHING NEW OR BETTER”
It’s time to stop swallowing the words you ache to say. You are not the 15 year old self any more but an empowered leader or Queen. So be her. “I AM HER” I hear….
Medicine Tools:
Kunzea Essential Oil ~ Rub this oil over any physical pain which is your bodies wisdom. There will be an emotion that is linked to this pain. Learn the wisdom of your body.
Robbie Zeck’s Blossoming Heart Aromatherapy Book “use your breath + Kunzea to move you away from the fear of pain and the pain of fear”
Natures’ Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield + Josephine Wall
Palo Santo to cleanse your energetics + home
In closing:
Mama Nature is speaking loud + clear in 2017 with hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and Mt Agung in Bali (and today Mexico Volcano erupted) keeps threatening to erupt but doesn’t. Is she like you? Simmering inside, holding it all in in the hope it goes away? It doesn’t. It stays there waiting for release in divine timing.
When I posted this Mexico had just erupted but no recent news on Bali. If things have worsened in Bali I mean no disrespect.
In your world bring love back to Mama Nature, tend your garden, walk with gentleness on the earth, give her love + attention, less ego + more heart, silence + stillness over white noise, do a relaxation, say NO to a social event and say YES to your true nature.
She is your supreme symbol. What she needs… you need.
Now go give it to yourself and LIVE YOUR LIFE today.
Photo Credit BBC Mt Agung
Thank you for the blessing Susanne! Once again its so beautiful. I’m visiting England this year and its been 12 years since i’ve been….i’ve been feeling like i need to become or almost inhabit the teen me that once lived there, or who resurfaces every time i go back….its a survival thing, it was difficult many times in England….i’m scared to but i will try and be the real “me” not the teenage hooligan that hid all that I really was lol! I’l try!!! and your words give me extra confidence:) Blessings and happy xmas! xoxo
That’s so interesting that you were there when this came thru! So many of us try to hide our vulnerability which is such a shame because that is what makes us uniquely human. Take the barriers down, remove the walls and be YOU. The world needs more men like you my friend. Happy Christmas xx