November ~ Truth, patience + I don’t know!

The themes of November are living, speaking, owning, standing in your TRUTH whilst being PATIENT with those who aren’t + kind to yourself when you just DON’T KNOW!     

In times of high stress you often find yourself reverting back to familiar coping patterns + suddenly your eating a packet of Tim Tam’s in your jim jam’s watching “The Batchelor” rather than eating a Quinoa Salad after your yoga class!
It’s time to delete outdated programmes + download some new + improved versions!    Be patient as it can be a long download!   

Pull your head out of the sand + heal whatever you put it in there for!  Or you may be thinking “I have done so much work on myself + nothing’s  has changed” it will soon…

The final theme is “I don’t know” or ‘the unknown’ which you can’t see, feel or control – an abyss of nothing!  Oh god that sounds positively terrifying!  How does one deal with this? Glad you asked ……keep reading

November Acts of Love:

  • Prioritize your spiritual practice
  • Pop your hands on your belly + tune into your ‘gut instinct’ (use when the mind is out of control + the heart feels wishy washy)  
  • Stay away from aggressive people + those who need to be right (esp on social media)
  • You maybe high one day + flat the next – your anchoring into November
  • Spend time in beauty – museum, art gallery + gardens
  • It’s OK to answer with “I DON’T KNOW”
  • Tell the truth + don’t keep secrets
  • Be a warrior woman
  • Heal old wounds that keep resurfacing but with a fresh perspective
  • Ask for support to face unresolved grief
  • Be patient even when you have no idea how it’s all going to turn out
  • Say goodbye to anything that makes you feel empty, alone or less than whole
  • Do more of what makes you feel vibrant, alive + stunningly divine.
  • Do a body scrub
  • Eat foods that are easy to digest
  • Reflect on ways you can inject some freshness into your relationship
  • If you want another to change, take a sneaky peak at yourself as  to where you may need to change. What are you avoiding in yourself by pointing the finger at another?

This November, live simply in the present moment, notice the signs from the universe, listen to your own inner wisdom + you will know what to do and when to do it…..



Original Copy via Living Now, Mystic Mama, Power Path + Stacey



4 thoughts on “November ~ Truth, patience + I don’t know!

  1. Love these quotes and inspiration, we don’t take time to think of the ourselves and how our actions make others react.

  2. “This November, live simply in the present moment, notice the signs from the universe, listen to your own inner wisdom + you will know what to do and when to do it…..”

    Thanks for inspiring my feminine spirit <3 <3

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