The Season of Winter

Winter relates to the Water Element in TCM, the colour black, cold climates, the emotion of fear, the sound of groaning, the sense is hearing (ears) + links to kidneys, bladder + bones.

As we draw within during the coolness of Winter it is also a symbolic time of moving within.

Some key tips to support your energy as we move into early Winter….

Are you hydrated enough?  Make your water interesting by adding supergreen powder, herbs + citrus.  If you haven’t invested in a water filter… now is the time!

Listen to how you describe yourself.  Are you feeling stagnant, stuck, flowing, raging, still or toxic?    Are you holding yourself back?  Feeling pissed off at someone?  Holding on?

Notice the connection to Water – she is a symbol of our emotions.  Out out of balance we experience fear, anxiety, dread, frustration, weariness +  intolerance.  In balance we may feel  peace, assured, patience, inner direction, confidence + courageous….

Look within to see how your loving your life + let go of that which hampers your flow.

Morning Shower Rituals…  Can be a time of meditation by visualizing the water as violet ray of light flowing thru your aura + being cleansing + purifying.

After your shower gently massage the kidneys in a clockwise direction stimulating your chi. Visualize yourself as you want to be for your day ahead.

Our bodies develop within the womb held in fluid to keep us safe as we grow + life in the outside world develops  when our Mother’s waters break.  Water is our original element.

If you’re called to retreat to your sacred space – it is symbolic return to the womb space – a place of warmth, safety, connection, nurturance + love so that you may grow + develop in preparation for the buds of Spring.
