The theme for June is "CHOICE".

June is the month to get real with how you are living your life!

If you have been allowing others to dictate how you should be living your life then June is going to be a doozy of a month.

This theme really spoke to me and it is why I am so late with this post because I needed to step up in my life where I was allowing others to decide what I needed in my life.  I needed to walk the talk before I could put this post out there..
The theme also also spoke to that part of me that blames and whinges about what is not working and quite frankly ~ I was totally over myself!

So….I decided to become 100% responsible for everything in my life; to accept my past choices, to make new choices that really resonated with me and I gotta say it feels so much more empowering to be the mistress of my own destiny rather than being pushed and pulled by everything and everyone around me.  Does this resonate with you too?

Acts of self-care for June

  • Make choices that are right for you
  • Accept/let go/forgive what others in your life are choosing to do (still fine-tuning this one).
  • Book a healing to restore clarity in your heart + mind so you can continue moving forwards in life.
  • Note any physical + energetic responses when you wont make a conscious choice.
  • Share uplifting + positive memories and stories from your life.
  • If you have been talking about doing, going or starting something – stop talking + take action.
  • Stay focused on your own choices
  • Accept your choices.  What did you learn from them? What feelings + experiences did they create for you?
  • If you are making choices/decisions from a very clear heart – don’t stop because you are on track!
  • Choose to have a great day ~ no matter what happens.
  • Love your life by making choices to enhance this gift everyday.
  • Eat foods that nourish your body + create mental + physical lightness.

June reminds us that we all have a choice ~ even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment, because even that is a choice!
If you choose to do nothing ~ that is a choice + it is all yours!

What are the areas of your life where you know you need to make a conscious choice + why?
What would happen if you did make a choice?
What would happen if you didn’t make a choice?

Share with me ~ I would love to know…

If you loved this post would you be so kind as to share it on social media!


Original info via Power Path, Living Now, Wellbeing + my intuition…