How are you feeling today? Good, great, better, calmer or fifty shades of shitty?
An interesting week with endings + new beginnings. We are at the end of a HUGE 3 year cycle, Summer has ended and what have we got to look forward too? Winter! ugh…
For Melb peeps we’ve had a buzz with Air Show, Grand Prix + other high octane exhibitions. It’s a bit of a come down after the party vibe of summer ending but Mother Nature is kind and gives us some glorious Autumn days to enjoy.
Don’t despair Melb because AFL begins soon and your city will be back on her A-Game (for my overseas readers; Melbourne is the sports capital of Australia + she comes alive when there is sporting events on + we her inhabitants feed off her buzz).
Good time to make note of your experiences and challenges you have experienced over the last 3 years and how the chaos, change, loss, confusion and upheaval has impacted on your life. As you read it back you will get it with just how BIG your life has been and everything that has occurred has gotten you to where you are now!
The end result is that your energetics need some attention and an energy balance would be perfect to allow you to become more fully integrated into the NEW YOU (cos if you haven’t noticed you ain’t the same gal you were 3 years ago)!
There are big changes ready to occur in your life – are you ready?
Acts of Love:
- Write down your life experiences over the last 3 years
- How are you going to celebrate the end of this powerful cycle?
- What was one thing you were really proud of over the last 3 years?
- Focus on re-establishing or strengthening personal power + boundaries
- Write an intention for the week in relation to your personal power or boundaries
- Take hold the steering wheel of your life (if you have let someone else take over)
- Old wounds may surface for healing + final clearing
- Stop the blame game if you hear yourself doing it
- Don’t be the martyr – it doesn’t suit you
- Book a healing to clear the blocks so you can live your life passionately on purpose
- Continue cleaning out the dead wood of your life
- Be responsible for yourself + allow others to do the same
- Be a drama-less queen
- Be careful in your speech (watch what you are asking for)
- Epsom Salts bath to cleanse your energetics
- Walk in nature
- Befriend your strong emotions – they will offer you clarity + insight
- Escape to Spa Country for the Hepburn Springs Retreat
2015 Trend Tip:
- See the bigger picture with ALL your relationships from intimacy to money
- Be balanced in the area of giving + doing
- Be grateful for all the areas of your life that ARE in balance
A new moon + the Autumn Equinox will be presenting its beautiful energy on the weekend so stay tuned for my New Moon Newsletter….
Have a great week