Well, I don’t know how you are feeling today but I feel like I am all over the place! I am not sure if I am coming or going …one minute up and the next minute I feel down.
Is that how you feel too?
Well; if this is you too, its pretty much sums up the energy for this week. So what to do?
The energy of this week may affect you mentally, emotionally+ energetically ~ so what to do?
Your to-do-list
- Get physical + move, stretch, extend + open from your centre
- Go for an early morning or dusk walk without a hat or sunnies + soak up the solar/luna light
- Come to Pop Up Yoga in the Williamstown Botanical Gardens ~ nature is a great equalizer
- Let go of trying to overthink it all ~ it is what it is….
- Delete the word “should” from your vocabulary + do something that pleases you + makes you feel happy
- Focus on breathing into your heart + blowing out the mental agitation as a cloud of grey smoke
- Balance + groundeness is required, so do some gardening, walk in the garden without shoes on
- Eat what is in season to lighten the load on the digestive system
Everyday will be different so let go of judgement, analyzing, self criticism, obsessiveness, overthinking and simply surrender to what is not what you think it should be.
Think from your heart + let that be your guide for this week.
Late Summer may bring to the surface old beliefs in relation to whether you truly feel that you can have all what you desire.
The question is are you allowing for things to be different, easy, abundant and supportive?
Book a reiki or intuitive healing to inspire you to design your life with intention……