Weekly Inspirations

22nd – 28th December 2014

Maniac is the buzz word for this week unless you stay disciplined + focused by doing what you need to do + ditching the rest.  It won’t hurt to slow down your pace of living peeps! 

This week begins with a Solstice + New Moon (Monday + Tuesday) and  is THE time to make a list of your hopes + dreams for 2015.  Now with your non-writing hand (which links to your heart + soul) re-write the list and see what changes!

Your thrive list:

  • Go to your yoga class ~ you will feel so much better if you do
  • Get over trying not to disappoint people – it’s the season for it
  • Own your highs + lows (there maybe a few this week)
  • Turn the news off + hug your children
  • Pick up some travel flyers if that is a part of your vision for 2015
  • It’s ok to retreat into yourself at this time, in-fact it’s perfect
  • Dress in a way that makes you feel beautiful, feminine + celebratory
  • Pottering around at home will nourish your soul
  • Be open to anything new that pops up
  • Be unlimited when writing your intentions (no safe options here)

Remember December is about “Responsibility + Opportunity” so do the work + own your stuff, take responsibility for your own self, life and let others do the same; this will free up your energy and amazingly new opportunities will present in 2015 that will be pure magic.

10 days till 2015 – so what are you going to do with it?  Is there anything that you have been putting off? or procrastinating about?  Well do it ….or take a step toward it..


x Susanne