Winter Solstice ~ 21st June

Take advantage this weekend to create some quiet to reflect on what positive choices  you can make that will make your life more balanced.

Yoga is the perfect weekend activity to enjoy this weekend to invite greater flexibility + balance as well as restoring your energies to help you meet life’s challenges rather than just surviving or recovering from them.
Practice an afternoon guided relaxation to release any stress you are caught up in, any challenges that have knocked you out of our centre ~ this will help your breath+ life energy to flow + you will find yourself more present to the NOW.

Winter Solstice Meditation
Focus on your breath & when those thoughts come up – notice if they are about the past/future & bring yourself back to the present.
Notice the space that surrounds you, the taste in your mouth, notice how your clothing feels.

Do you feel sad, lonely, happy, content?
Relax into the space & affirm its ok to be yourself, exactly as you are.
No matter the issues of life for this moment you don’t have to worry about them.
Breath in the beauty of now….this is wonderful to do if you feel stuck in a old conversations from the past, or anticipating whats going to happen tomorrow…


When you are ready come back, have a drink of water …..and enjoy your day!

I would love to hear what lovely things you have you got planned this weekend?

