Moving from feeling ‘blah’ to feeling inspired + energized..

As the year of the water snake slowly draws to a close ~ you maybe wondering why you feel so ‘underwhelmed + blah’?  2013 was the year of the water snake + spiritually it asked you to:

  • Shed the old skin to allow the new to evolve ~ are you still shedding?
  • Open your heart to more fully love yourself, others + life ~ are your heart wounds still surfacing for a deeper healing + final clearing?
  • Address what restricts your spiritual growth  ~ are the same old same old feelings resurfacing ?

Do you feel like you were on the verge of transformation but now everything has stalled?
If you answered yes….. it could be also related to all of the above + Scorpio plus the final alignment of your energy + your 2013 intentions.

The depths + turbulance of Scorpio brings to the surface your belief systems that need to be addressed.  A new belief system needs to be created to support you in living a more soulful life. 
An intuitive healing will soothe any heart wounds that have surfaced whilst restoring mental clarity + life balance.  Get clear about what YOU need to  open the doors to a new reality with passion, joy + inspiration that come with the dawn of Sagittarius and discover a new truth about your life….

The question to ask yourself is“what have I learnt about myself during Scorpio”? (the good + bad)

A Feminine Spirit Intuitive Healing or Reiki will help with the transformation so you can channel your passion for a new year! 

Available until 21st December
Tuesday 10-6, Wednesay 10-6, Thursday 2-6pm, Friday 2-6pm + Saturday 10am

When you work with me you are getting a Spiritual Teacher, Yoga Teacher,  Master Healer, Soul Counselor, Intuitive + Guide all at the same time.
I work with you holistically as a whole person so that you can create a life that you love to live….

To discover more about a Feminine Spirit Reiki or Intuitive Healing click here
To book your appointment  click here
Call me 93973015 to discuss your needs