New Years Eve Yoga

New Years Eve Yoga

A journey completed.  A year lived.  Goals achieved.  Dreams became reality.
As 2015 draws to a close (and it’s been a BIG year) enjoy a morning New Years Eve yoga class to acknowledge your effort,  celebrate the wins + clear the losses.

As you close the door on 2015 a new door will open so let’s journey into 2016 with inspiration, clarity, creativity + grace.

Gather all that you have discovered about yourself in 2015 + take a confident step towards who you are becoming in 2016!

yoga ~ relaxation ~ reiki ~ sound healing ~ chanting  ~ vibrational medicine ~ oracle cards

Completion  ~  Celebration ~ Connection ~ Creation

Thursday 31st December ~ 9.30-11am
Kindred Studios
Cnr Harris St + Whitehall St
Enter + park in Harris St… look for the big vegie boxes + enter thru cafe.

$35.00 ~ Full payment must be received to hold your space
EFT or CC payment option available  (2.5% paypal fee charged for CC $36.00)

2016 the year of grace, beauty, intuition, balance & completion

To enquire: call Susanne 93973015 or email for EFT details

I look forward to shifting + re-shaping your energy!
