Weekly Inspirations 28th April – 4th May

Do you notice how things have settled down a bit?  April may have taken a toll on the health of your body; so a simple remedy is to get moving out in the fresh air, take deep breaths + EXHALE!This is the week to do more of what allows you to feel better, healthier, centred, grounded and peaceful.

If you find yourself being sucked into the vortex of negative thinking, fear based thoughts + actions ~ can I ask you to TRUST that whatever is occurring this week is absolutely perfect for you and will relate to your vision for 2014.    Be the witness to what is happening and what you are feeling rather than the reactor!

The New Moon is tomorrow and girl it is time to WALK YOUR TALK to show yourself, the universe + others just how amazing you are!!!
STOP hiding your light + wisdom ~ just STOP!  from tomorrow on you are to be seen + heard.  So wear  what makes you feel gorgeous.

For the rest of the week ~ take a chill + compassionate pill + give yourself some LOVE

31st + 1st Samhain the Irish/Gaelic Festival is to celebrate “summers end” and it is also known as the witches new year (which is why I celebrate it over the 31st + 1st ~ by the way witch comes from the words wise woman)

Samhain is the time to:

*    Remember those who are no longer on this earth.
*    Bring out photos of your loved ones + pets who have passed away
*    Wear jewellery that has been handed down + reflect on who gave it to you
*    Honour past relationships as they have helped you to become the woman you are today
*    Reflect on the journey of your ancestors; even if you don’t know their names, there blood is in your veins today
*    Embrace your loved ones + yourself + be proud of all that you have achieved
*    Celebrate your achievements during the season of Summer

Questions to ask during Samhain:

*    What lessons did you learn during the summer season?
*    Is there anything you are still holding on + in that needs to be let go of?
*    What daily ritual would allow you to connect to your spirit?
*    What did you inherit from your ancestors that you are proud of?

Its a beautiful time this week to be with girlfriends, so ring your best girlfriend for a catch up over the weekend!

