Here are the gifts for your Soul for the month ahead.
Save your recordings to your phone so you can listen when it suits…
Alta Major Chakra (or Ascension, Mouth of Goddess, Bliss + Dreaming + Creation Chakra…
Massage base of skull/top of neck – can you sense the chakra..?
What blocks this Ascension Chakra
- Old trauma, negative thinking/speaking/actions on repeat, not addressing issues
- Low vibes (felt in back of neck/hairs on arms rise up/goosebumps)
- Being triggered + blaming another (instead of looking within to heal issue)
Activate this Sacred Gateway Chakra
- Work on your issues + address any neck issues (as this heals the heart too)
- Purify your thoughts, words, actions + connections to lift your vibration
- Learn about yourself
- Be in nature + walk barefoot.
How to protect the Spirit Intuition Chakra
- Wear a Scarfe if around people or in situations of low energy
- Draw a circle in the hollow + a cross inside the circle (protects from psychic attack)
- Only allow those who you are aligned with to touch your higher chakras
Bliss Chakra is the Intuition of your Spirit talking to you + after your healing you may notice your ‘spiritual antenna’ is switched on which is a sign of an awakening.
Here are your tools for the month ahead. Enjoy
Bliss Chakra Colour Relaxation…23.23mins
This began as the Healing but evolved into the Relaxation…
Cleanse + Clear the Higher Chakras + Connect to your Higher Self with the healing rays of Teal, Silver, Gold + Diamond Light.
The Peace of Bliss Healing …23.26
Anoint ~ Heart Chakra EO + Aura Mist ~ joie de vivre, heart awakening + connection
Dreaming + Creation Elixir ~ Healing of the old wounds + corresponding pain points.
Breathe Peace … 4.31
Inviting Peace in with your Breath
April Self enquiry – Does this action or words bring me peace or drama? To awaken your inner glow of Peace – invite Peace in.
Sound Healing Relaxations for The Bliss Chakra….
Lay down + lay a hot waterbag/heatbag over your womb + relax…
Inner Ear – Senses Chakra 15.01 Prospect Meditation
Inner Ear ~ Forgotten Chakra 3.01 Solfeggio Ambient